Social EMpathy

Bringing together community stakeholders, researchers, innovators, and frontline workers to sustainably address social determinants of health in the emergency department.

About Us

Social EMpathy is a working group of medical students from across the country interested in Social Emergency Medicine that came together to organize work-streams to accelerate and catalyze more Social EM Innovation. Together, we aim to:- Create playbooks to launch Social EM projects
- Organize roundtables in close partnership with community and health system stakeholders
Formed in January 2021, we're actively recruiting medical students from across the country as partners to launch and scale Social EMpathy more broadly at our respective institutions.

Co Founders

Alice Lu (MS3, UCSF)
Aneeqah Naeem (MS3, Brown)
Olivia Reszczynski (MS3, MUSC)
Sherman Leung (MS4, Mount Sinai)

Outreach Team

Axel Epie (MS3, Mount Sinai)
Karin Brown (MS2, UNECOM)
Elizabeth Yim (MS4, CUNY)
Omonivie Agboghidi, MPH (MS4, Wright State)
Eric Ni (MS2, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine)


Neha Pondicherry (MS2, UCSF)
Nick Friedman (MS3, Stanford)
Rachel Kearney, MPH (PGY-1, Boston University of Medicine)

Contact Us

Please reach out to us if you're interested in joining or contributing to SocialEMpathy

Thank You

Thanks for reaching out! We'll be in touch :)